The Group has invested heavily, especially in R&D, to offer the right products to meet the needs of professionals, notably in vaccines, reproduction and anti-infectives
- Biological range offers safe and effective vaccines that protects swine herds from various pathologies : HYOGEN® (Enzootic pneumonia), COGLAPIX® ( Swine pleuropneumonia) , CIRCOVAC® ( PCV2), PROGRESSIS® (PRRS), PARVORUVAX® (parvovirus and erysipelas), PARVOVAX® (parvovirus), COGLAPEST® (classical swine fever), AUPHYL PLUS® (Aujeszky disease) and COGLAMUNE® (Clostridiosis).
Ceva has completed the range of vaccines with ECOPORC SHIGA® (Edema Disease), CLOSTRIPORC A ® (Clostridium perfringens Type A) , SALMOPORC® (Salmonella Typhimurium), Respiporc FLU3®(H1N1, H3N2 and H1N2), Respiporc FLUpan®(H1N1 pandemic).
- The pharmaceutical range offers also effective solutions with various strong products led by the reproduction ultimate solution for heat synchronization ALTRESYN
With the launch of its latest innovation in its product portfolio, FORCERIS, an injectable product that treats swine neonatal coccidiosis and iron deficiency anemia in piglets, Ceva has established itself as the leading company in the iron and coccidiostats segment. The range is completed by GLEPTOSIL® gleptoferron and CEVAZURIL® (toltrazuril) against coccidiosis.
- At the same time, Ceva has the complete Cevolution anti-infective range of differentiated injectable antibiotics (fast syringeable and easy re-suspendable formulations with innovative, practical, shock resistant, light and ergonomic CLAS vials) headed by its leader injectable amoxicillin VETRIMOXIN®LA and followed by FLORKEM®, MARBOX™ or CEVAXEL®RTU among others.
The pharma range is completed by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) in injectable forms: KETOFEN® 10%.
From one country to another, product lines are adapted to local demand and regulatory requirements. For further information, please take a look at the Ceva Santé Animale site for your country. Warning: the information provided on the products depends on national registrations. Access to technical information is restricted to authorised persons.