What is the C.H.I.C.K. Program®?The C.H.I.C.K Program® (Ceva Hatchery Immunisation Control Keys), is a global service program implemented in more than 40 different countries which involves Ceva’s specialist teams visiting the customer’s hatcheries to run a number of tests to check the quality of the administration of vaccines. We check whether the vaccines are properly stored, prepared and administered to the birds. This program received Quality Recognition by the certification and control body Bureau Veritas Group in 2016. This is a notable first for the animal health industry. More information on C.H.I.C.K. Program
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How does it work?The C.H.I.C.K Program® (Ceva Hatchery Immunisation Control Keys), is a global service program implemented in more than 40 different countries which involves Ceva’s specialist teams visiting the customer’s hatcheries to run a number of tests to check the quality of the administration of vaccines. We check whether the vaccines are properly stored, prepared and administered to the birds. This program received Quality Recognition by the certification and control body Bureau Veritas Group in 2016. This is a notable first for the animal health industry. |
Hatchery Vaccination Services
The C.H.I.C.K Program® (Ceva Hatchery Immunisation Control Keys), is a global service program implemented in more than 40 different countries which involves Ceva’s specialist teams visiting the customer’s hatcheries.